RI Initial Theoretical & Practical

closed4 days19 - 22 Feb. 2024Schiphol, NLInquire Now!
closed4 days27 - 30 May 2024Schiphol, NLInquire Now!
open4 days9 - 12 September 2024Schiphol, NLInquire Now!
open4 days2 - 5 December 2024Schiphol, NLInquire Now!

Course content

The objective of this course is to present basic principles of the EC Ramp Inspection SAFA (Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft) & SACA (Safety Assessment of Community Aircraft) program for those who are actively engaged in the program (i.e., perform SAFA & SACA ramp checks, manage state Ramp Inspection programs, supervise inspector teams). To this end, the training course shall:

  • Summarize the historical background of the ECAC and EC Ramp Inspection program including the main stakeholders (e.g. European Commission, EASA, EASA Member States, ECAC Member States, Partnering States, Eurocontrol)
  • Present the legal and regulatory framework of the EC Ramp Inspection program
  • Explain information flows, lines of communication and inspection data storage and analysis
  • Review all applicable procedures (e.g. EASA Inspection Instructions)
  • Review all items on the checklist and Inspection Instructions including: applicable ICAO and EU standards, instructions on performance of the inspections, the Pre-Described Findings (PDF) and User Defined Findings (UDF) and general examples of common inspection findings
  • Demonstrate the Ramp Inspection ‘specifics’ of aircraft inspections
  • Perform a practical training on an aircraft in a ‘simulated’ environment (hangar)

Course objective

To explain all aspects of the EC Ramp Inspection program to those who are or soon will be actively involved in this program.

Course benefits

Confidence to manage or execute SAFA and/or SACA ramp checks.

Target audience

National Aviation Authority (NAA) Inspectors eligible to become Ramp Inspectors and NAA managers engaged in program management or supervision of a team of Ramp Inspectors.


A good understanding of airworthiness and/or operations of aircraft. Familiarity with the methodology of aircraft inspections.


Time: 4 days (3 days RI Initial Theoretical & 1 day RI Practical)
Course fee: € 1950.- excl. VAT (21%).

Regulatory Consultancy and Training